The Music Compositions of Philip Goddard
(Home Page)
Symphonic, Choral, Chamber and Instrumental Music
(including specialities for organ and for contrabass saxophone)
find out what it is further below…)
At a glance…
Deeply-sourced and inspirational music compositions, drawn from Nature, Wilderness, and the core of all human experience beyond all belief.
Philip Goddard is an English composer who has a particularly deep connection with Nature and a challenging perspective on the nature of ourselves and reality. — See particularly his Clarity of Being site.
His groundbreaking, penetrating and challenging educational essay Musical influences on Philip Goddard's music & literary works explains and underlines his exploring and indeed pioneering motivation and modus operandi, as well as serving as a music appreciation guide to take people beyond the commonplace and relatively superficial norm for 'music appreciation' courses to something far more rewarding and potentially life-changing.
His ten-years'-worth of symphonic-type music, including ten numbered symphonies and various other orchestral, choral, ensemble ('chamber') and instrumental works, have much more recently been followed by a major and fast-flowing project — his Nature-Symphonies, which are each substantial nature-generated (i.e., rather than composer-composed!) stochastic (probability-driven) works.
These latter are nature-generated equivalents of what Iannis Xenakis achieved in his most effective and visionary works. Whereas Xenakis worked out stochastic probability patterns, this smart-arse Composer here chose an easier but no less effective approach, through letting 'Mother Nature' (primarily through its gusts of wind) generate those probabilistic event patterns for him, and indeed play the 'instruments'.
This site lists all Philip Goddard's 'opus number' works to date, each with a link to listen to a MIDI rendition (in the case of his composer-composed works) or a CD-quality copy of the work's master copy (his Nature-Symphonies).
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A note about the Scottish Highlands photo used in this site's masthead and other logos
I chose that photo in 2017 out of a large number that I'd downloaded from a whole range of sources many years ago for use as my own personal desktop wallpaper. Unfortunately I've been unable to find that photo in online searches in late 2017, and so have been unable to trace its copyright owner to ask for permission to use it on this site. Because it works better than any other relevant one I could find, I chose to use it anyway, but to be ready to drop using it if the owner wishes me to do so. In any case I'd really like to include a credit on this page and the general Site Notes page for the photo as I'm not very comfortable about using presumably copyright work without due acknowledgement. So, if you know the owner of that particular photo, do please let me know — though being careful not to point me to other owners of photos of that particular view (looking across to An Gearanach, in the Mamores, from Coire Giubhsachan, between Carn Mor Dearg and Aonach Mor).
If you value this site and its contents, a donation would be greatly appreciated and would help me maintain it and continue my projects.
Explore and get inspired -
Take a fresh look at your world!
…With links to detailed programme notes and YouTube previews for each, and purchase of CD-quality downloads and scores of the published works. This is your primary exploration place.
New section added, September 2023:
Nature-generated 'stochastic' (probability-driven) works
More beautiful than any palace
— Processed versions of certain of the Composer's many Wind Chimes in the Wild field recordings (or occasionally natural soundscapes), which function as fully-fledged powerfully effective and 'meaningful' music works that are an intriguing parallel to some of the most effective and powerful compositions of Iannis Xenakis — the big difference being that, by and large, the latter himself originated the stochastic matrices / structures and events, whereas this composer here gave that task, including the basic performance, to 'Mother Nature'.
…with instrumentation lists for all the works
… Where you can buy CD-quality downloads of the works.
…General description, including what it sounds like
…Including organ specifications
…Warning — the above is technical!
Two Educational Essays
…Including a challenging and indeed ground-breaking examination of the nature of supposed artistic 'influences' and indeed an important aspect of the very nature of the creative process — and how it is that most music reviewers / critics are seriously deficient in their understanding of artistic 'influence'.
This is a major work, in its working out proper understandings where others withdraw into belief instead, presumably out of their absurd fear of the supposed 'unknown'.
…A substantial and thought-provoking essay
Expanding horizons…

On this site are full details and downloadable / playable excerpts of major new classical music compositions that demonstrate clearly that true originality can still thrive in an accessible, modal idiom.
"Is this another of those awful discordant composers?"
— While this Composer never shuns dissonance for the sake of shunning it (in any misplaced conservatism or populism), neither does he use it anywhere for the sake of using it — i.e., in some misplaced striving to sound 'modernistic' or 'cool' or to be cheaply 'theatrical' in the way that so many fashionable contemporary composers do. In Philip Goddard's works, the presence of every dissonance (or indeed consonance) has to be 'earned'. That is, for it to appear at all, it must occur as an essential part of what is an overall 'thing' or process of beauty and harmony even in the course of its difficulties and conflicts.
A striking example of this is the Composer's 7th Symphony (Ancient Cry for Freedom), which must contain something like the highest proportion of dissonance in his whole oeuvre — yet the overall effect is of an immense beauty, harmony and dignity — the masses of inner clashes in the sound simply creating an 'electric' intensity in the experience. Similarly, what is surely the Composer's most conflict-riven musical utterance — the 3rd movement of the 6th Symphony (K2 — A Song of Striving and Endeavour) — is memorably melodious despite its no-holds-barred intensity, its many clashes and the three great waves of tumultuous 'battle' between humans and the tremendous might of the natural forces that threaten to overwhelm them.
You can find here symphonies, symphonic poems and other orchestral works, and works for choir, organ, saxophones (with piano), tuba, clarinet, flute… All have a particular quality in common — a certain intensity and vividness of colour resulting from the Composer's particular use of his open and flexible modal idiom and his particular outlook as a self-actualized and indeed enlightened person who vividly perceives not only the light but also the shadows cast by the light, and weaves the interaction of these, together with an exceptionally deep attunement with nature, into uniquely 'natural' and compelling works, such as Music From the Mountain Waters and The Unknown.
Indeed, it's more than just an 'attunement with nature' — a matter of his having sufficient depth and awareness in his perceptions that he apparently draws from powerful musical templates from deep, universal levels of human consciousness, so drawing from music from other civilisations even before our Solar System existed, and potentially even from other universes. He makes no claim for that being unique to him, but it does go a long way to help explain his having been able to compose accomplished and compelling works right from the start, without any formal music training at all. For more about that, see Musical Influences on Philip Goddard's Music & Literary Works.

The above musical motif, which appears just below this page's title, is actually the opening motif of The Unknown. It has there a strangely haunting timbre (on the organ), and it sounds quite a bit higher than it looks on the staff. It's like a clarion call — a call to attention — for one to listen intently to what is about to follow, its reverberations receding mysteriously into a pregnant pause before the 'journey' of the work starts unfolding in earnest. — And so also it's a very fitting initial 'call to attention', as it were, for this website, to initiate your own unfolding experience as you explore the works.
That motif doesn't actually play upon loading this or any other page, however, because automatically playing music on web pages is a very contentious issue and can be inconvenient if not downright vexatious for many website visitors who want to load pages quickly, and who want to choose what they do and don't listen to.
This music
will lovingly challenge and stimulate the listener and open new
horizons of awareness. Those looking for 'easy listening' or bland 'New Age' music won't find it
here — though there's never any telling what the Composer might come out with next… …And in the meantime, if you like anything you
hear of this music you can actually go to his Music Store and obtain a CD-quality download
album containing it. Yes, the recordings are of simulated performances, but they are very much
above-average in their realism for MIDI renderings of musical works, making for authentic musical
experiences despite the inevitable shortcomings, like mono-reduced choir sections that can sing
only 'Ahh' — and similarly mono-reduced string sections.

••• Contrabass sax — Jay Easton ••• tenor sax — Scott Granlund ••• piano — Jerrod Wendland.
The Publisher for this music:
Philip Goddard is a member of the following:
Other useful links
A small selection, giving lists of classical music sites and other music resources:
(This listing has been cut right down because the particular resources had disappeared or had ceased to be relevant to this site.)
Musichits - The international music-search-engine